Saturday, April 9, 2011

This Week at the Movies

A pretty good crop of movies this week with Hanna being a fantastic piece of cinema and there is also something for everyone as Russell Brand puts a spin on Arthur, Soul Surfer is pretty inspirational, and then there is comedy Your Highness for those who don’t want to think at all.

This weeks movie pick: Hanna

EN 5 Second Review: This is one of those rare movies that breaks the mold. Imagine if you will a fairy tale about a teenage princess who is a highly trained killer and there is no happy ending in sight. It’s weirdly terrific to see actual cinema dressed up as an action film. Don’t expect to understand this film on the first viewing, the good news is that you will want to see it again to figure out what you are missing.

Overall Take: Highly entertaining, our pick of the week is actually worth your 12 bucks. Twice. Also, Saoirse Ronan is amazing. … [Read More...]



EN 5 Second Review: This is a simple movie to review. If you are a Russell Brand fan, this is a must see movie. He is amusing, and this is a fairly serviceable vehicle for his sweet brand of humor. Helen Mirren is spot on as always. However, this movie was not exactly clamoring to be remade, the original was ok, but not exactly a fantastic movie in itself.

Overall Take: Blandly amusing, wait for cable. … [Read More...]


Soul Surfer

EN 5 Second Review: We really did not want to see this, however in the end, we are glad we did. Although this feels a lot like a Lifetime movie however unlike most movies like this at which we give them the full MST3K treatment this movie actually moved us even if it was a little preachy in the end like most sports biopics are. On a side not it is nice to see role models for the preteen set other than the oversexed twilight type roles.

Overall Take: Not a bad choice to take your young daughter to see, or for a church group, but its not worth your 12 bucks otherwise. Wait for its multiple plays on Lifetime. … [Read More...]


Your Highness

EN 5 Second Review:

This is a tough movie to watch. These are some seriously talented actors playing well below their level and its just bizarre to see in a lot of ways. Its offensive, yet reasonably funny and somewhat entertaining on a porkies level. But you just never really get over the weirdness of the casting, It would actually work better with a relatively unknown cast. Watching Natalie Portman spew filth is oddly hilarious though.

Overall Take – Wait for the late night cable showing. … [Read More...]


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